The cute guy at Facebook headquarters has rolled out developer’s edition of Timeline in the website’s stream already. Some geeky freaky minds are up with testing it.
Call it an attempt to sideline Google+if at all it needs to be sidelined! or simply an upgrade to the next level of social networking phenomenon, Facebook Timeline has got everything to be the glitzy favorite of netizens in the coming days.
Here is a preview of my profile page:

Before you start searching for my profile, let me tell you, you won’t be able to see this Timeline until you have it activated on your profile. You can activate Timeline on your profile by following few simple steps here.
Timeline changes your profile page while your homepage remains the same. As the name suggests, you can browse till the ends of time by clicking on the year or month provided at the right corner of your profile page. It is almost like a virtual scrapbook of your life which you accidentally made! Try fiddling with the first post you made or the first post that your first girlfriend made or your first break up, everything is available on your mouse scroll. Now there's a new class of social apps that let you express who you are through all the things you do. Facebook has added a feature that lets you see where you have visited powered by Facebook Places. To flaunt photos, you have a huge horizontal cover instead of an age old bio-data style profile picture. Also, in the activity area, the small thumbnail preview have been replaced by big square sleek photo boxes. We have the same square boxes to show activities too. The most interesting upgrade is the status box. They will give a dropdown menu to select the nature of your story. Even “I broke my bone” and “I had a surgery”” is on the list!

At the end of every month, they give you a summery of activities in the Timeline. Like this:

Timeline offers high customizability. You can customize visibility settings even for past posts. Though cover photos are public by default. They have provided endless customization for tagging. New lists are already on your profiles if you noticed. The ‘Restricted’ list has proved itself incredibly useful for ignoring stalkers. And, we have the famous cliché with Timeline too: Facebook Chat still lags!
So, when is it coming out? Facebook unveiled Timeline at its developers conference, F8, on Sept. 22. At the time, it promised that the feature would be live in “the next several weeks.” But, it never came out. Reason? Chicago based digital scrapbook, There is an increasing court conflict between the social networking giant and this company. Facebook Timeline will be out only after the fiasco gets over. Till then, we can enjoy developer’s version.
In the meantime, Google has decided to disable Buzz while Google+ continues to irritate with its open end option to add anybody on earth. Too bad, I had started liking Buzz. Duh! Who cares!
Happy Diwali Folks!
Call it an attempt to sideline Google+
Here is a preview of my profile page:
Before you start searching for my profile, let me tell you, you won’t be able to see this Timeline until you have it activated on your profile. You can activate Timeline on your profile by following few simple steps here.
Timeline changes your profile page while your homepage remains the same. As the name suggests, you can browse till the ends of time by clicking on the year or month provided at the right corner of your profile page. It is almost like a virtual scrapbook of your life which you accidentally made! Try fiddling with the first post you made or the first post that your first girlfriend made or your first break up, everything is available on your mouse scroll. Now there's a new class of social apps that let you express who you are through all the things you do. Facebook has added a feature that lets you see where you have visited powered by Facebook Places. To flaunt photos, you have a huge horizontal cover instead of an age old bio-data style profile picture. Also, in the activity area, the small thumbnail preview have been replaced by big square sleek photo boxes. We have the same square boxes to show activities too. The most interesting upgrade is the status box. They will give a dropdown menu to select the nature of your story. Even “I broke my bone” and “I had a surgery”” is on the list!
At the end of every month, they give you a summery of activities in the Timeline. Like this:
Timeline offers high customizability. You can customize visibility settings even for past posts. Though cover photos are public by default. They have provided endless customization for tagging. New lists are already on your profiles if you noticed. The ‘Restricted’ list has proved itself incredibly useful for ignoring stalkers. And, we have the famous cliché with Timeline too: Facebook Chat still lags!
So, when is it coming out? Facebook unveiled Timeline at its developers conference, F8, on Sept. 22. At the time, it promised that the feature would be live in “the next several weeks.” But, it never came out. Reason? Chicago based digital scrapbook, There is an increasing court conflict between the social networking giant and this company. Facebook Timeline will be out only after the fiasco gets over. Till then, we can enjoy developer’s version.
In the meantime, Google has decided to disable Buzz while Google+ continues to irritate with its open end option to add anybody on earth. Too bad, I had started liking Buzz. Duh! Who cares!
Happy Diwali Folks!
I agree that the timeline will go a long way in devastating Google Plus.
The best part about timeline is the extra widdddeeee cover image.
I just love the unprecedented close up shots that can now be put there, personalizing the profile pages all the more. ;)
And btw, nice to see you back on aS after quite some time. :) Missed your strike-through'ed posts... :D
Nice. Nice to see FB showing who's-the-boss to Google :)
Pretty awesome features, and very personalized! Can't wait to try it out!!
Oh maan!! I totally blame it on Google for loosing my comment. I swear I did.
"Awesomely Timed Post" was the comment that I had posted earlier.
Even now my words stay the same.
Cheers Mohi!! :D :D
Just one word iT HELP me to add this apps.
Gud review but its not gonna b a glitzy fav whtevr yew say. It z slow. Out f context: i like john osbrone too...........
@Alok yeah! Cover pic option is great! Thanks for reading. :)
@Soumya do try it! And temme how it was. Thanks for the read. :)
@Pranav Dont blame it to google. It is all your fault! :D :P Thanks for appreciating.
@Shrishti Great! finally you activated it in your profile.
@Ansh I'd like to know which page are you talking about, the homepage or the Timelline? Because no changes have been made to the platform of homepage. Timeline, well, is way too faster and lighter than any earlier version of Facebook. May be it is your internet connection.
U re right. but if it is lite... how can it be glitzy?????? ur profile with cute pic luks too simple.... whrz the glitz?
Haha, dude, by glitz, I meant sleek columns and boxes, wide photo space and good looking Timeline. Compare it to the old profile page then you might get my point.
okiezzzz got it Mohi..... thnxx 4 rplyin n keep writin.... u vanishd in betwn. i w8ed long 4 ur articl....
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