If you have been born and brought up in Bihar, Metal just does not make it to the list of the stuff you get to listen to. Perhaps, in this post I should talk more about what happened there at the Metallica show and I’ll be doing the same in the paragraphs that’ll follow, but lemme just tell you this funny thing that happened after the show. I come out of the concert with Alok (you all know him) and Tapan, a college friend of mine,we walk to the nearest bus stop to rest our asses and my sister calls from Patna. While I was telling her all about the show, I could hear in the background Chhath songs being played. Being immersed in a crowd all painted in black, dudes sporting goaties, ladies showing off their outrageous devilish tattoos, I must say there was this culturally shocked Bihari sitting right there on the bus stand. Okay! Enough! I’ll not make this post go all about the above shit, 'coz there are million other things to talk about from the show. Just know one thing about the NRBs (Non Resident Biharis), they tend to get nostalgic at the worst of the times.
Enough Shit!! I talk Metallica now. And before I start talking, lemme show you the exact place I was headbanging around.